
Ah Thanksgiving! A day wrapped in warmth from the kitchen, delicious smells and a family meal.

Here are some ideas for your holiday. Hope you have all the warmth, companionship and food you need.

Budget Ideas for Thanksgiving

Chestnut Sage Sourdough Stuffing
Sourdough bread
Sweet Potato Souffle
Kentucky Bourbon Brown Sugar Pound Cake
Cranberry Salad
Creole Cornbread Stuffing
Fruit Gobbler
Wonderful edible - kid friendly turkey centerpiece.
Turkey tracks
creative appetizer
sugar cone-ucopia

Some fun recipes for the kids
Turkey bread - make bread and allow the kids to shape it into a turkey
Smores Pies - get little graham pie crusts and have the kids fill with chocolate morsels and mini marshmallows put under broiler until marshmallows are browned.

Crafts & Games
Paper Bag Turkeys What you'll need: Paper grocery bags, newspapers, construction paper in a variety of colors, child-safe scissors, child-safe glue. Have each child stuff a bag with newspapers to form the main body of the turkey. To make head and neck, and features, let children cut out the shapes from construction paper and glue on.

Hand Turkey trace hands on red, orange, brown or yellow paper cut out hands. Trace a child's shoe for the Turkey head and body. arrange hands for feathers.

Find the Bird What you'll need: A paper turkey or a stuffed animal, blindfold. Blindfold one child, then hide the paper turkey or stuffed animal somewhere in the room. With the blindfold removed, the child must search for the prized bird. The other children watching shiver from the "cold" when the hunter is far away from the turkey, and fan themselves as the hunter gets "warmer." Allow each child to get a turn as the hunter.

Pin the Tail Feather on the Turkey What you'll need: Sheet of poster paper, markers, adhesive tape, fake feather, blindfold. Tape a homemade picture of a turkey to the wall at a height that can be reached by the children. Blindfold each child for his turn, turn him around three times, and let him try to place the tail feather in the right spot. Once he places the feather on the poster, tape it onto that spot. The child who comes closest wins.
fingerprint turkeys

Corn craft I really like this one! Cute decoration then fun to open then meaningful use in filling out a thankful page


A craft I've always wanted to do is a Thankful tablecloth. Have guest sign with a permanent marker or fabric pen a tablecloth. The could add what they are thankful for or you could do hand print or thumbprint turkeys.


12 days after Thanksgiving (Sung to The 12 days of Christmas)
On the day after Thanksgiving my mother gave to me
a plate full of roasted turkey
two days after Thanksgiving my mother gave to me
two turkey soups and a plate full of roasted turkey
Three days after Thanksgiving my mother served to me
Three turkey salad, two tukey soups and a plate full or roasted turkey

12 - turkey tacos
11- turkey shakes
10 - turkey pancakes
9 - turkey stir frys
8 - turkey meat loaves
7 - turkey pies
6 - turkey casseroles
5 - turkey subs
4 - turkey omelets
3 turkey salads
2 - turkey soups and a plate full of roasted turkey
Little Pilgrim
(to the tune of "Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star")

Little Pilgrim clothed in gray
On that first Thanksgiving Day,
Little Indian clothed in brown
Come to visit Plymouthe Town,
Side by side they ate and prayed
On that first Thanksgiving Day.

Turkey day literature
A plump and perky turkey
I know an old lady who swallowed a pie
P is for Pilgrim
Magic Tree House Thanksgiving on Thursday

Choices Choices Resources
Family Fun
Disney Crafts

1 comment:

Evelyn said...

Such wonderful ideas- Mel~ Thank you!! This is my FAVORITE blog site :)