What is the purpose of our family?

In the book First Things First Stephen Covey challenges us to ask what our purpose is in different aspects of our life. If we define our purpose we can better know where we are heading. For example
What is the purpose of this business?
What is the purpose of this church?
What is the purpose of this meeting?
What is the purpose of our family?
What is the purpose of our marriage?
I gave a lot of thought to the question what is the purpose of our family and I wanted to share what I came up with. If you have additional ideas please share them.

The purpose of our family is the same as the purpose we walk hand in hand.
Holding hands keeps us close. We can talk with each other and watch out for each other, if one of us trips we try to protect them from falling. Sometimes we are the ones falling and need to be lifted other times we are the ones lifting. Families hold on to each other, comforting and lifting, sharing life's trials and triumphs.

1 comment:

Merry Melody's said...

My dad said it's easier to break one pencil then a whole handful of pencils. That's the purpose of family we are stronger together than apart.