Your Money Or Your Life

I read a book called Living Simply with Children it referenced the book Your Money or Your Life. I am now reading Your Money or Your Life and thought I'd share my notes with you from the first chapter. The notes are out of context but hopefully helpful.

Consume means to destroy squander use up

Financial Intelligence is being able to step back from your assumptions and your emotions about money and observe them objectively.

Financial Integrity is having all aspects of your financial life in alignment with your values.

Financial Independence is having income sufficient for your basic needs and comforts from a source other than paid employment

Aren't we killing ourselves-our health, our relationships, our sense of joy and wonder-for our jobs? We are sacrificing our lives for money-but it's happening so slowly that we barely notice.

LaBier found that focusing on money/position/success at the expense of personal fulfillment and meaning had led 60 percent of his sample of several hundred (professionals) to suffer from depression, anxiety and other job-related disorders, including the ubiquitous "stress". (Modern Madness)

beyond a certain minimum comfort, money is not buying us the happiness we seek.

the more we have the more we want and the less content we are with the status quo.

If you live for having it all what you have is never enough

The advertising industry now spends nearly $500 per year on each US citizen.

We have learned to seek external solutions to signals from the mind, heart or soul that something is out of balance. We try to satisfy essentially psychological and spiritual needs with consumption at a physical level.

Unfinished projects sap you of vitality

So much dissatisfaction comes from focusing on what we don't have that the simple exercise of acknowledging and valuing what we do have can transform our outlook. Indeed, some people would say that, once we're above survival level, the difference between prosperity and poverty lies simply in our degree of gratitude.

1 comment:

Heather said...

I really like this, thanks for sharing! I am in a popular culture communication class right now, and we are discussing similair things about consumerism. It is very interesting and makes me more aware.