"Poor" Month

At the beginning of the year I found this great idea for having a 'poor' month. You limit expenses to the essentials, eat simply and try not to eat out. When I read about this idea I thought October would be a great month for it since the holidays are on the way and we could use some extra money for the holidays. I'm also a big advocate for homemade Halloween costumes etc so October will work for us. You can donate some of your savings for those who really are poor and live like this every month. Our church fasts the first Sunday of every month and gives the money we would spend on food to those who go without. You could fast in October or anytime to help those in need. October 15th is blog action day on poverty so if you have a blog please write about poverty and how we can serve those who are without. Whatever you can do will make a difference!

"Poor" month

The clothes that are rotting in your closet do not belong to you they belong to the person who has none.

Best Wishes!

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